We have a walnut tree in our yard. But quite honestly, I have no idea how you are supposed to get that thick green coating off of the outside of them... Any ideas?
I'm pretty flowers that grow on trees are the most beautiful. At least, in my opinion. Maybe it's because they only come for a short period of time every year? Makes them special, like Christmas. :)
"Lilacs for Mama" - Captured by Naomi Thomson, 2012
I think lilacs are my favorite flower. And since I know my mother loves them, this is something I love to bring in when they're in season. Just wish they lasted longer... *sigh*
Do you have a favorite color lilac? I can't decide if I like these, the dark purple ones, or the white ones best... Probably I love them all.
We have this set of wind chimes that looks like angels, all slightly tinted in pink and purple colors... Rusted over, from time, wind, and rain. I love wind chimes; the music in the wind. They remind me of precious times gone by and add a smile to every moment they move.
Taking this picture was an adventure; I don't like spiders. At all. But I will confess... I'm pretty proud of this picture. Maybe because it's awesome... or maybe because I got close enough to take it, and I'm amazed at my own courage. Not sure.